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Company name: Natixis Interépargne, Public limited company with a Board of Directors and share capital of €8,890,784, registered on the Paris trade and companies register under number B 692 012 669.
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Member of the AFG (Association Française de la Gestion financière).
Publication Director: Damien CLÉRIS
Editorial Director: Patrick BÉHANZIN
Owner of the company: Natixis Interépargne is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Natixis
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The Publisher strives to ensure that the general information, particularly financial information, posted on the Website is accurate and updated. It reserves the right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content of its Website. Consequently, the Publisher in no way guarantees that the information made available on this website, including all hypertext links or other electronic link used directly or indirectly from this site, is complete, precise, accurate, exhaustive or appropriate.
The returns on the savings and investment products as indicated on this website are merely a reflection of a situation observed at a given time and may not in any case forecast changes in the rates and prices of the products in question. In this respect, the Publisher shall not be held liable for any use of this information and the consequences thereof, particularly in terms of decisions that may be made or actions that may be undertaken based on said information. You alone are liable for use of the information and the results obtained on the basis of this information.
The Publisher draws your attention in particular to the fact that use and interpretation of information about the financial products may at times require specific and detailed knowledge. All interested parties are responsible for verifying the information made available and using it appropriately.
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It is intended for the sole use of Natixis Interépargne and its service provider, based in the United States of America, that delivers direct marketing campaigns on behalf of Natixis Interépargne to client companies and savers. This recipient will only receive the following items of information: title, identity, identification data and economic and financial information. The following guarantees have been put in place to ensure a sufficient level of protection of personal data: standard contractual clauses drawn up by the European Commission.
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This website is subject to French law.
Photo credits
Source: iStock, Natixis Interépargne subscription, Collection Essentials & Signature
References: 905746192 – 951514084 – 500577531